Planet Gore


Here’s the New York Post today on New York City electric bills. Wait until the Obama Energy Tax takes effect . . . :

A shocking 22 percent of a typical city apartment dweller’s Con Ed electric bill goes to a battery of city, state and federal taxes under a new state rate schedule that kicks in this month, a Post analysis found.

People who burn 250 kilowatt hours of electricity per month — what a 750-square-foot apartment might use when air conditioners are turned off — will see their bills jump 4 percent starting this month, assuming electric generating costs stay constant.

A big part of that jump is going to a 31 percent boost in Con Ed’s property taxes, a 16 percent hike in the company’s state and federal income taxes, and a sixfold boost in one of the state’s utility taxes, which is rising from 0.33 percent to 2 percent, The Post’s analysis shows.

After those levies are toted up in the bill, the city plops some whipped cream onto this tax sundae by imposing 2.35 percent tax on the company’s gross receipts that Con Ed passes on to customers.

Then comes the maraschino cherry on top: The whole package is slapped with a 4 percent state sales tax — which in part taxes taxes elsewhere in the bill.

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