Planet Gore

Strange Bedfellows

I see four Republicans listed as “Yes” votes for Waxman-Markey, a global-warming tax that under no scenario or set of assumptions would have a detecable impact on the climate — according to the latest tally by people who tally such things.

Mary Bono Mack (R., Calif.), Frank LoBiondo (R., N.J.), and Dave Reichart (R., Wash.) are the first three.

The last one, Chris Smith (NJ), is simply mind-bending. After all, global warming is the vehicle for the down with peoplepeople are pollution, Zero-Population-Growth crowd. As I’ve noted before on PG and in Red Hot Lies, China is even seeking approval of “offsets” to sell to the EU — and, soon, to us — derived from their coercive family-planning policies.

That’s right: carbon-offset credits from forced abortions. Why and how could anyone even give a second thought to strolling down this path — or sprinting, as Waxman-Markey would have the U.S. do?

If Rep. Smith doesn’t know this, he’s terribly ill-informed and/or poorly staffed on the matter.

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