Planet Gore

Shortchanging Nuclear

Team Obama is pledging $44 million for 71 different projects involved with nuclear energy:

A total of 71 projects will receive approximately $44 million over three years under the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) to advance new nuclear technologies in support of the USA’s energy goals. The projects are grouped into four research areas: the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI); the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP), also known as Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems; Investor-Initiated Research (IIR); and Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS).
“As a zero-carbon energy source, nuclear power must be part of our energy mix as we work towards energy independence and meeting the challenge of global warming,” said Chu. He went on: “The next generation of nuclear power plants — with the highest standards of safety, efficiency and environmental protection – will require the latest advancements in nuclear science and technology. These research and development university awards will ensure that the United States continues to lead the world in the nuclear field for years to come.”

To put the $44 million into perspective, the U.S. taxpayer is guaranteeing $535 million for solar company Solyndra.

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