Planet Gore

Renewed opposition to Indian Point

My buddy Max Schulz has a piece in today’s New York Post discussing how expensive (and ineffective) environmental regulations are further jeopardizing the Empire State’s already bleak economic outlook.

As Max notes, New York currently gets 20 percent of its power from renewable sources, and that number is supposed to grow to 25 percent by 2013. In the meantime, efforts to close the nuclear plant at Indian Point continue — and, as the New York Times reported last week, those efforts have now been joined by the state itself, the plant’s former owner. [One is forced to wonder: if they owned it today, would they be talking about shutting it down? And if so, would they still get $600 million for it?]
Since we care so deeply about how Europe views America’s stand on environmental issues, why don’t we adopt one of their environmental standards, and classify nuclear power as a “renewable” energy source?

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