Planet Gore

The Other White Meat: Whale

The Guardian:

Whales caught under rules allowing hunting by local people for their own food needs are being served in dishes for tourists in restaurants, campaigners said today.

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) said an undercover investigation in Greenland found restaurants were targeting tourists with menus that included bowhead and other whale meat. Endangered fin whale was among the whale products available for visitors to buy in supermarkets, the WDCS said.

The wildlife campaigners warn selling whale meat to tourists in restaurants and supermarkets undermines the global ban on commercial whaling.

Under the terms of the International Whaling Commission’s ban, Greenland, which is a Danish overseas territory, is allowed to kill a number of whales each year to meet the food needs of local people.

At an IWC meeting in Panama next month, Denmark is set to demand that Greenland can catch more whales to meet the nutritional requirements of indigenous people. But the campaigners said the availability of whale meat for tourists shows Greenland is catching more than it needs to meet the food requirements of local people and should not be allowed the higher levels of catches that it wants. The proposed increase would include catching up to 19 endangered fin whales a year, which the WDCS says is almost double current levels.

The rest here.

I’d love to see the Venn diagram of the tourists going to Greenland to see the impact of global warming and the tourists who chow down on Shamu’s relatives.

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