Planet Gore

OPEC fans!

Robert Zubrin writes in:

All this anti-ethanol whining by the fans of continued oil dominance has become very silly.
We supporters of the open source fuel policy are not asking for ethanol mandates.
We are asking that the fuel market be opened by making it a standard requirement that all new cars be flex fueled, so they can use alcohol fuels and gasoline with equal facility. Such a US requirement would make flex fuel the international standard and thereby subject oil to competitive pressure everywhere around the globe.
If alcohol fuels really can’t compete, let that be proven in an open market, not by OPEC fans writing polemics discounting the possibility.
Clearly, however, they can compete, depending upon what level oil prices are set. That is precisely why creating an open fuel market is essential to putting a constraint on future oil prices rises, which in the current closed fuel market, are unconstrained.
In is in the interests of American consumers as individuals that they have a choice.
It is in the vital interests of America as a nation that she have the ability to make use of the broadest array of fuels, and thus not continue to be at the mercy of totalitarian and terrorist-supporting powers who control the international oil supply.
In whose interest is it that we continue to be restricted to using a resource controlled by our enemies?
In whose interest is that that American fuel consumers NOT have a choice?
In whose interest is it that cars continue NOT to be flex fueled?

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