Planet Gore

Obama’s Hot Air on Wind

Over in Media Blog, I have a post on how the Obama campaign is “fact checking” Sarah Palin’s speech and is using a veto of a wind farm on Fire Island in Alaska against her.  Here’s what the Obama campaign sent to Macleans:

2007: Palin Vetoed $20 Million Toward A Fire Island Wind Farm Project. “[Sen. Hollis] French and [Anchorage Mayor Mark] Begich both lamented the [Palin] veto of $20 million toward a Fire Island wind farm project and connecting transmission lines. That money was part of Railbelt Energy Fund cash that Palin said she doesn’t want to spend until a study on energy needs is finished.” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 7/30/07]

For the record, the Anchorage Daily News supported the veto in an editorial on April 28 of this year and, more importantly, the wind farm was funded to the tune of $25 million in this year’s budget.  This is the same budget that the Washington Post and others targeted yesterday for Palin’s cutting of expansion funding for a teen pregnancy center.

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