Planet Gore

Never Let a GOP Gaffe Go to Waste

Luke Russert reports:

It hasn’t taken long for Democrats to use Rep. Joe Barton’s (R) political blunder to try and solicit donations to the party and keep the heat on Republicans.

In an email to supporters, the DNC asks for money to begin airing a TV ad targeting Barton’s remarks. “We’re whipping together an ad as fast as possible to make sure voters know exactly whose side Barton and the GOP are on and to demand they stop apologizing to big oil, but we need your help to get it on the air,” the email says. “If you’re as furious as I am, will you chip in $5 to help us fight back?”

The DNC tells NBC News that the ad will be completely funded through direct donations and that it will run “the first of next week on national cable (CNN and MSNBC).”

Democrats are actively trying to keep Barton’s gaffe a national story as the news cycle slows down heading into the weekend. One GOP aide tells NBC that Barton’s comment and subsequent awkward apologies were, “beyond moronic.” Hence why the weekend can’t come soon enough for Republicans.

*** UPDATE *** NBC has obtained the script of the ad:VO: BP caused the worst oil spill in American history.Images or video of spillVO: Now, at President Obama’s direction, BP’s set aside 20 billion for recovery on the Gulf coast.Photo from WH of POTUS w/BP from this week, images of video of spillVO: But if Republicans were in charge, this is the guy who’d be overseeing BP Blurred/grainy video of BartonVIDEO BARTON: “…I apologize”VO: He apologized to BP and called the recovery fund a “tragedy”VIDEO BARTON: “So I apologize”VO: Republicans apologizing to BP? Tell Republicans: Stop apologizing to big oil.VO: The Democratic National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

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