Planet Gore

The Murdoch Empire Is Now Carbon Neutral

Over to you MSDNC and CNN. Let’s see if you can step up like your enemy, Rupert:

An email has linked Fox News to deliberately casting doubt on climate change, but their parent company — Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp — seems to take climate change very seriously. News Corp announced it is now carbon neutral, claiming it is no longer contributing to global warming.

It’s no small feat for the huge company, which also owns the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones. On the site for the company’s Global Energy Initiative, Murdoch never utters the words “climate change” or “global warming,” but he says: “we have become carbon neutral across all of our global operations and we are the first company of our kind to do so.” Their next goal: cutting their absolute emissions by 15 percent by 2015.

The rest here.

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