Planet Gore

The Green Footprint of the Royal Wedding

Is massive:

The big day has arrived: it’s a national holiday in the UK and everyone has either fled the country or is watching it on the telly. It seems churlish to complain about the carbon footprint of the wedding, but someone has to do it…

Actually, a number of people have done it and come up with the conclusion that the one day will cause 12 times more carbon emissions than a whole year at the Palace. Blame it on the Beckhams… and all the other international celebrities and Royals flying in for the event.

Landcare Research, a New Zealand think tank has been hard at work calculating the impact of the wedding. The biggest offenders are all the foreign Royals and celebrities and tourists flying into London. A quarter of the 1,900 guests will come from abroad.

Got that? I can’t use a regular light bulb, but the “green” Prince of Wales can destroy the planet? It’s good to almost be king, I guess.

We’re told time and time and time again how great a crisis we’re causing with carbon emission, yet whenever the someone who’s telling me it’s a crisis has an opportunity to act like there’s a crisis, they punt.

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