Planet Gore

The Gore Effect, Cont.

The Gore Effect (The phenomenon that leads to unseasonably cold temperatures, driving rain, hail, or snow whenever Al Gore visits an area to discuss global warming) remains in full effect. Planet Gore reader Rosa e-mails from Milan:

As you perhaps know, Mr Gore visited Italy last week, precisely Milan (Nothern Italy). He gave a speech on his usual theme: the globe is warming, there’s a lot of warning signs, we shouldn’t be so foolish to dismiss them, we must act now, etc. Outside the hall, it was snowing and snowing. Well, perhaps you think it’s usual in a northern Italian city to have three snow spells within two weeks. In fact, it’s quite rare. Rome and Naples and Palermo too — and Sicily, at more or less Florida’s latitude — were under slight snow/freezing rain. On the Alps we have already reached snow record heights, unparalleled in the last decades. And we’re still in Autumn ! So, if you wish to ski, please visit the hills surrounding Lake Como.

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