Planet Gore

Global Warming Shuts Down the Federal Government

Washington Post (emphasis mine at the end):

Federal government offices in the Washington region will be closed on Monday. Nonessential government workers will be granted excused absences.

Emergency employees are expected to report for work on time, and some employees who telework may be expected to work from their telework sites, as specified in their individual agreements.

The Office of Personnel Management made the announcement Sunday afternoon, well ahead of Monday morning commutes.

“I think it was obvious for the safety reasons that we made the decision early,” OPM spokeswoman Sedelta Verble said.

The early decision is consistent with promises made this month by OPM Director John Berry, who decides when to close District-area federal offices. Berry said previous administrations have waited too long to make a decision to close, often after many federal workers have already left for work.

The Obama administration finds a way to blame Bush for his reaction to a snowstorm?

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