Planet Gore

G8 Punts on Carbon Caps Until Copenhagen

Today’s WSJ reports on the G8 and emissions targets:

L’AQUILA, Italy — The leaders of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate are likely to drop numerical targets for global warming emissions from a statement to be released here Thursday, pledging to reach agreement on hard caps at a December climate change conference in Copenhagen, according to European negotiators and a person close to the talks

Instead of set targets, the 17-nations in the forum, which is chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama, will acknowledge the “broad scientific view” that global warming must not be allowed to exceed two degrees centigrade, these officials said.

A draft climate change statement had promised a global, 50% reduction in the emissions that cause global warming by 2050, with the developed nations promising an 80% cut by then. But developing countries such as India and China appear to have balked, worrying that Europe, North America and Japan are not serious about meeting its commitment, these officials added.

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