Planet Gore

Firing James Hansen

Planet Gore has previously debated whether James Hansen should be fired — for appearing as a defense witness for U.K. eco-vandals, the Knightsbridge Six.
But with Hansen now calling for civil disobedience at U.S. power plants — that’s the last straw for the Heartland Institute.

The new calls for [Hansen’s] resignation or termination come following his appearance in a video calling for civil disobedience at a protest at a power plant in Washington, DC.
“It is plainly improper for someone on the U.S. government payroll to advocate civil disobedience on behalf of a non-government advocacy group,” said Dan Miller, executive vice president of The Heartland Institute and former chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission. “As long as a public official is on the public payroll, his first loyalty is to his constituency, not to some outside pressure group calling on people to break the law,” Miller said.

Read the rest here.

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