Planet Gore

The Federalist Squeeze

Arnold Schwarzenegger has an op/ed in the Washington Post today arguing for a waiver to allow states to impose stricter vehicle emissions standards than federal law demands. Christopher Alleva at The American Thinker argues that this is part of a “multi-level strategy ultimately designed to hornswoggle Congress to sign on to their draconian regime” of expensive energy:

So what are the Governors really up to here? This opinion piece is part of a larger plan to use the well proven “squeeze play” technique to move global warming regulations and legislation. In brief, the scheme works like this:

  • sign on several states to the agenda, and enact laws to your liking that could never be passed in Washington;
  • panic commercial interests fearful of a patchwork regulatory burden;
  • pressure federal regulatory agencies; and
  • concurrently petition the courts to ride herd on the agencies and Congress.

A recipe for tyranny if there ever were one.

The environmental groups are past masters at this squeeze play.

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