Planet Gore

Desperate Demographic Drill-Down

From EENews’ ClimateWire today (subscription required), further proof that alarmists are soap salesmen, not messengers of truth. Here we see the shysters angling to target a new demographic, with ethnic-specific spin sure to follow.

Green groups see ‘untapped’ potential in Asian Americans

About 80 percent of Asian Americans surveyed consider themselves environmentalists, with a startling 96 percent of voters in the Chinese community identifying themselves as such. To compare, 52 percent of Californians overall would call themselves environmentalists, the poll found. [ . . . ]

“This population has largely been ignored,” said James Lau, executive director of the California LCV’s Education Fund, during a press conference. “We believe they represent an untapped source of influence.” [ . . . ]

“They are a critical force in terms of electoral politics,” said Paul Ong, director of a research program on Asian American culture at the University of California. “They will turn out to vote.” [ . . . ]

Might I suggest a strategy on how to reach out to this new, key demographic? Dust off and update an old favorite: “World to End: Asian-Americans to Be Hardest Hit.”

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