Planet Gore

DELETE: The Rape Smear in the Colorado Senate Race

Here’s Republican Ken Buck defending himself from the smear that he is somehow anti-woman because of a controversial 2005 rape case that his office did not prosecute:

Weld District Attorney and U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck defended his decision not to prosecute an alleged rape of a college student in 2005, despite the fact that liberal activists call the case another example of his disrespect for women.

“The case was not prosecutable,” Buck said Tuesday. “I had four chief deputies in my office review the case. One of those chief deputies who had been a prosecutor for more than 30 years is now on the Colorado Court of Appeals. Another prosecutor that reviewed the case and decided it was not prosecutable was a female chief deputy who is now a county court judge in Greeley.”

I don’t know much about the case other than what I’ve read, but it does remind me of another famous controversial sexual-assault case in Colorado. So, when you ask yourself if Ken Buck is anti-woman, also ask if Buck went on to honor the alleged rapist in his home:

Just remember, kids, if you’re pro-woman, vote Democrat! Fore. . .

And, of course. . .

Two Americas, one for each family. . .

And who can forget former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s naughty text messages. . .

And the latest out of Chicago. . .

Stay tuned. More to surely follow from the pro-woman party! Or, as Democrat Jerry Brown calls them, whores.

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