Planet Gore

Cranking up the Rhetoric

Note the new lingo from Gore’s PR shop on display in this Reuters article about Clinton/Obama’s romancing the Gore-acle:
“Former Vice President Gore thinks that both candidates are very strong. Both of them have offered plans to address the climate crisis … as has Senator McCain,” she said.
“It’s a real turnaround to have candidates on both sides of the aisle offering, you know, solutions and plans to the climate crisis.”
So, we’ve gone from global warming, to climate change, and now to climate crisis.
I suspect we’re seeing the main theme of Gore’s $300 million PR campaign.
Be afraid, be very afraid.

Ken GreenKenneth Green is a Resident Scholar studying climate and energy policy at the American Enterprise Institute. Since taking up policy analysis in 1990, Ken has authored numerous monographs; newspaper and ...
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