Planet Gore

Climatologist Obama Links Texas Wildfires and Global Warming

The Hill reports:

Texas governor and GOP White House hopeful Rick Perry isn’t taking kindly to President Obama’s decision to mention the Lone Star State’s recent wildfires in attacking Perry’s climate change skepticism.

Obama, at a California fundraiser Sunday night, took aim at the GOP field and Perry in particular, noting, “You’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change.”

Perry spokesman Mark Miner shoots back: “It’s outrageous President Obama would use the burning of 1,500 homes, the worst fires in state history, as a political attack.”

Well, let’s go to a bona fide government scientist to settle this, via Marc Morano, Tom Nelson posted on Sept. 16:

NOAA lead author of the U.S. Climate Change Science Plan Synthesis and Assessment Report on Texas drought: “This is not a climate change drought”

Chatting With a NOAA Meteorologist About This Drought: What It Is and What It Ain’t – Dallas News – Unfair Park

The good news, [Dr. Robert Hoerling, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research meteorologist, who served as the lead author of the U.S. Climate Change Science Plan Synthesis and Assessment Report] says, is that this isn’t global warming. “This is not the new normal in terms of drought. Texas knows drought. Texas has been toughened on the anvil of droughts that have come and gone. This is not a climate change drought. What we do anticipate from climate change is a situation where temperatures progressively increase.”

Flashback: Gore: extreme weather shows need for climate change action – The Hill’s E2-Wire

Former Vice President Al Gore is sounding the alarm about climate change and extreme weather, pointing to the recent floods along the Mississippi River, drought in Texas and wildfires in Arizona.

But see, science no longer matters to the supposedly pro-science crowd. Every single weather event is now proof of climate change, regardless of the actual facts.

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