Planet Gore

The Beeb’s (subsidized) Karma

More toys for Obama’s One Percent.

Leo DiCaprio has already picked up his $7,500 taxpayer subsidy for buying an electric, taxpayer-financed Fisker Karma. Leo has also lent his time to promote the brand, given its recent Made-in-Finland battery-pack and money troubles. (Which makes one wonder: Is a Hollywood multi-millionaire on the public teat really an image boost?)

Now comes teeny-bopper millionaire Justin Bieber, who recently bought his own $100,000 Karma chariot. The teen crooner got hauled over for doing 80 mph in his new ride — doubtless his $7,500 of taxpayer money will cover the cost of the speeding ticket.

A least the president is sticking to his fairness doctrine: One-percent Senator Carl Levin (D., Mich.) also banked a $7,500 taxpayer freebie, even though he only bought a pedestrian $40,000 Chevy Volt.

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