Planet Gore

Barbara Boxer’s Good News

Sen. Barbara Boxer tells C-SPAN how great it is that U.S. carbon emissions are already down 6 percent because of the crappy economy, so that her goal of a 20 percent reduction really isn’t that hard to reach. 

A few seconds later she talks about a Berkeley study that shows how many more jobs are produced per megawatt by investing in green energy vs. fossil fuels. Here’s the study. Berkeley finds that 240,000 jobs will be created in green energy vs. 75,000 with investments in fossil fuels. So green energy is so inefficient that it requires more than three times the labor to produce the same amount of energy. Whoopee.

She also gives a big smooch to venture capitalist John Doerr, whom she IDs as an investor in Google and Amazon — I guess to make the point that he’s a smart investor. Doerr recently testified on the amount of money that will be flowing into the green energy sector, and Boxer used this statement to defend her bill. Well, if that’s really the case, why does the VC industry, including John Doerr’s firm Kleiner Perkins (including partner Al Gore), want or need money from taxpayers?

Doerr is also on the President’s Economic Recovery and Advisory Board. Imagine that. The very companies that Doerr has investments in are the ones he is advising the president to use taxpayer money to fund. I know you guys all know this, but you’d think the Dem leadership would not be so brazen as to keep repeating it.

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