Planet Gore

Al Gore and the Profit of Doom

Over on the homepage, the Cato Institute’s Pat Michaels notes that Al Gore will jet off to Poland tomorrow to address the U.N.’s ostrich round-up Kyoto parties’ conference.

But as First Read noted yesterday, the Goracle will first zip up to Chicago to give his disinterested take on climate-change legislation to President-Elect Barack Obama.

From NBC’s Savannah Guthrie

President-elect Obama will meet with Al Gore tomorrow in Chicago. We’ll update with details as we get them…

*** UPDATE *** Obama and Gore will discuss energy and climate change issues. Biden is expected to be there as well.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The transition team has put out the official word now: “Tomorrow, President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden will be meeting with former Vice-President Al Gore in Chicago to discuss energy and climate change and how policies in this area can stimulate the economy and create jobs.”

As Planet Gore has previously reported, Al Gore is no longer simply an advocate of green technology — he’s in a position to financially benefit from any U.S. move toward alternative energy and enforced carbon scarcity. If Al Gore is going to act as climate-policy advisor to President Obama, shouldn’t his investments be held in the same kind of blind trust as any other cabinet official?

Of course, maybe Al just wanted his Senate seat back, and he was heading up to the Windy City to place a bid.

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