Planet Gore

The Age of Stupid

Uh, oh. I think this is like that observation from Elvis Costello in a recent 30 Rock episode: When the moment comes in one of those celebrity-cause songs when someone drops the whole singing thing and starts speaking,  you know it’s serious. ClimateWire reports that, given that the president and a UN climate confab are gracing Manhattan this week, the fashion industry is lending its heft to the debate. Giselle Bundchen is taking the lead.

Strange that the Times takes the celebrities seriously but sneers at Alan Carlin, the CalTech physicist, MIT economist, and EPA critic. Obviously, a guy like that has no business sticking his nose in this; it’s a job for Giselle:

NEW YORK — This city has been invaded by an army of top world leaders, corporate executives, eminent persons and the Hollywood glitterati. They are all arriving in the hope of compelling governments gathering for the annual opening of the U.N. General Assembly to complete a new climate change treaty in Copenhagen by the end of the year.

Take that all you skeptics, cost-benefit nags and other delayers, deniers, and poor color coordinators!

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