Phi Beta Cons

Unity in Remembrance of 9/11

In observance of 9/11, Columbia University arranged almost 3,000 little American flags in the rectangles on College Walk in front of Low Library, one for each of the persons who died that day. The arrangement of the flags was touching and beautiful to see, but not for Columbia Law School’s Peter Rosenblum, Lieff Cabraser Clinical Professor of Human Rights, who wrote to the Columbia Daily Spectator of his dismay. Rosenblum was surprised to see such evidence of patriotism on the “diverse and cosmopolitan campus” in the first place, but allowed for its possible appropriateness, given the occasion. On closer inspection, however, he judged it to be “an error or an act of cynicism.” Why? Because not all of the victims were Americans, so why only American flags?

What kind of a politically correct prig do you have to be to have this kind of reaction to such a beautiful and thoughtful display? September 11, 2001, was an attack on American soil. All who died were under American protection on that day, and, yes, America shelters people from dozens and dozens of countries. And on that day America and all she stands for, including the welcome she extends to foreigners, came under attack, and many who were flourishing here from all over the world died in that attack, and America feels their loss. Memorials should be about unity, not the “diversity” the multiculturalists want to shove down our throats at every turn. Those who died were all Americans that day.

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