Phi Beta Cons

Prof Masterminds Rise of MB in Obama Administration

The Muslim Brotherhood legacy organizations in this country are, warns Douglas Farah, “front groups for a foreign movement that wants to end our political system (while supporting radical Islam.”

Mostly the result of presidential appointments, these MB offshoots have recently been gaining much influence within the Obama administration, notwithstanding the FBI’s efforts to sever ties with these same groups.

The guiding force behind their growing clout is Prof. John Esposito, who has long defended the MB and heads the Saudi-financed Georgetown University Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at the Walsh School of Foreign Service. According to Farah:

This is the same Dr. Esposito who maintained prior to 9/11 that radical Islam was essentially a myth and certainly no danger. It is hard to imagine any academic being so consistently wrong in their professed field of expertise maintaining much influence, but there he is, deeply enmeshed with all the major MB legacy groups in the country . . .

To be clear: these groups have a clearly enunciated and never renounced policy of toppling the government, hollowing out the institutional structures, and imposing the caliphate here, where Sharia law is the law of the land.

Learn more about the tangled and alarming MB web that Esposito is busily helping to spin at the pinnacle of power in Washington.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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