Phi Beta Cons

Poor Little Lambs Who Have Lost Their Way

Yale is being investigated by the Department of Education for failing to take seriously the complaints of 16 students regarding sexual harassment and a hostile learning environment resulting in denial of equal opportunity. There are charges of both public and private harassment.

I haven’t learned anything of the private charges, but a few of the public charges have been reported. There is an annual list that the frat boys put online, rating the girls on their attractiveness, specifically — in keeping with the regnant hedonism — indicating how many beers they would need to drink before sleeping with them. I believe there was an indication on PBC some time ago that high-school and college girls do something related to this on an ad hoc basis, that is, flying to their computers to express disgust and repugnance in chat rooms and on Facebook when approached by lesser males of the species, referred to as “betas” in gorilla-speak. But not unexpectedly, when boys indulge in the same kind of infantile judgmentalism, they do it more systematically, and girls take umbrage at it.

The other thing I read is that some of the frat boys stand around chanting things about loving “Yale sluts,” and “no” meaning “yes,” and “yes” meaning sodomy. I guess normal sex has become so routine to many young men today, that the possibility of the polymorphous perverse is needed to arouse them.

I think this behavior is awful, but I don’t see making a federal case about it. I have not read anything in support of charges of stalking and sexual assault, which could be more serious. But when you tear down all the civilizing elements that once facilitated proper relations between the sexes in the name of “equality,” you will get offensive behavior, especially from boys, and most often it will be girls who are offended, and nowadays that means a federal case. And women and girls are of course encouraged in this by feminism, which helped destroy the structures that would once have protected them.

But the situation also illustrates a larger truth. In a reign of sexual liberation, only the most beautiful can come out on the top of the pyramid. Lesser mortals will be judged wanting, even by members of the opposite sex who are scarcely Venus or Adonis themselves, because sexual attractiveness has been split off from the larger whole of the human person. People are totally objectified and therefore susceptible to being evaluated like specimens at a slave market. 

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