Phi Beta Cons

Obama’s ‘Lost’ Thesis

Curiouser and curiouser: Obama’s senior thesis at Columbia University on Soviet nuclear disarmament cannot be found. The university can’t locate it and Obama claims he lost it. Ed Lasky is rightly intrigued:

How likely is that a person so impressed with himself that he writes an autobiography just a few years later would “lose” his senior thesis? After all, a Presidential Library must be filled … there are a lot of blank spots — missing records and the like — having to do with Barack Obama …
If Barack Obama devoted a year researching and writing about Soviet nuclear disarmament, how could he fail to get the facts down about the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting in Vienna?
Maybe there are good reasons he wants to bury this thesis. Did he get it wrong there, too? Did he just coast at Columbia on his interesting background and personal charm?

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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