Phi Beta Cons

Jousting Over Derrida

I pointed out in this space that the father of deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, gets infinitely more citations in a leading academic journal than some arguably more prolific writers such as C. S. Lewis and Thomas Jefferson, as recounted by Accuracy in Academia. A Bucknell sociologist became so distraught over our posts that he devoted good portions of his French vacation to blogging his thoughts on the subject–here and here. But he did not restrict his commentary to Derrida, whom he venerates, but attacked AIA, Phi Beta Cons and just about everyone connected with either. AIA executive director Mal Kline came to the defense of one and all in a second article. “Maybe this American professor is feeling a surge of patriotism while abroad,” AIA executive director Mal Kline reflects, “for France.” “I’ll bet he would really go over the top if I sent him a video of myself tearing Derrida’s picture in half,” Kline mused.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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