Phi Beta Cons

Hate-Mongers Foaming at the Mouth

Name-calling aimed by leftists at those who challenge the reigning orthodoxy on campuses has reached fever-pitch.


Note, for example, some of the recent invective hurled at David Horowitz:

“Fat-assed,” “faux-intellectual,” “a quintessential slobbering lackey,” “neo-con,” “insane,” “Trotskyist turned neo-con scumbag,” “Stalinist,” “Maoist,” “former communist,” “brimming with self-hate,” “hyperventilating about commies,” “traitor,”“anti-education fanatic,” “witch-hunter,” “far-right fanatic,” “far-right wacko,” “Ahmadinejad’s double,” “little Fuehrer,” “right-wing nut,” “Grand Wizard,” “anti-Muslim,” “religious bigot,” “arch- racist,” “Zionist neo-conservative,” “racist Zionist Jew,” “extremist racist Zionist Jew,” “a Nazi mind with a Zionist face,” “a notorious icon of Zionist Islamophobia,” “a blatant Judeo-fascist crusader of Zionism and social regressivism,” “Zionist poof.”

Horowitz caused a furor at Columbia University when, during Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, he commented that “malicious lies” such as these are a kind hate speech – “the equivalent of nooses, or targets painted on one’s back.” He was right.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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