Phi Beta Cons

The Dorky 1 Percent

I am a dork.  And so are you, if you’re in college and you’re reading this blog, according to a new study that reports “only 1 percent of students have ever visited either InstaPundit or Daily Kos. Less than 1 percent reported visiting Wonkette.”  As Glenn Reynolds puts it: “Political blogging is a dorky sideline…. It gets a lot of attention from journalists and politicians because they— ike me!—are dorks, too. But most people in general don’t care that much about politics, and college students these days aren’t terribly political.”  
The poll in question was performed by Northwestern assistant professor Eszter Hargittai who asked 1,300 students at the University of Illinois at Chicago about their Internet habits. But the polling results may be a bit skewed because 90% of those students polled were freshmen, who from my observation spend more of their time caring social lives and academics than upperclassmen. I know it wasn’t until the beginning of my sophomore year when the 2004 elections were at hand that my dorky addiction to the Corner had fully blossomed. 

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