Phi Beta Cons

‘Disparate Impact’ Hits Below The Belt …

... or lowers the bar on where the belt should be

Inside Higher Ed reports that officials at Arkansas’s Henderson State University recently posted signs banning “saggy pants” on campus. The signs were taken down after protests from students that the ban “targeted black students.” 

Both the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union,” Inside Higher Ed notes, have criticized such bans, “noting that they stifle free expression and disproportionately affect young black men.” Even F.I.R.E., whose protection of individual rights on campus is invaluable, seems to regard student belt levels a civil liberties issue. 

Will Creeley, director of legal and public advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said that banning sagging pants on a public campus is “presumptuously [sic: presumptively?] unconstitutional.”

“Absent some kind of showing that sagging pants could somehow disrupt the educational environment in a clearly, truly unreasonable way, which is hard to fathom, this is a blatant overreach by the administration,” Creeley said. “It’s dismaying that a public institution of higher education wants to treat their students as if they are in grade school.”

Of course it’s also dismaying that so many college students act as if they are in grade school. 

Who knew that when the NAACP, the ACLU, and other diversiphiles declaim that an adequate college education requires exposing students to those of different cultures and values, they mean that “diversity” includes being exposed to the underwear of black males?

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