Phi Beta Cons

Cultural Marxism

Cultural terrorism. Cultural determinism. Political correctness. Identity politics. Critical theory. The authoritarian personality. Polymorphous perversion. Psychological conditioning.


These are the ideas upon which cultural Marxism, now known as multiculturalism, is founded, through which it has laid waste to Western institutions, and upon which so many academics have built careers.


Here from Linda Kimball, writing in American Thinker, is a lucid and accessible account of the cultural Marxists’ bag of tricks.


One way to keep track of how cultural Marxism continues to run rampant in this country, with the unremitting assistance of higher educators, is to visit StopTheACLU from time to time. See, for example, this post by the blogger Gribbit:

The 9th Circus Court of Appeals is meeting at Stanford Law School today in a special session to hear arguments concerning the declaration of the words “natural family, marriage and family values” as hate speech. That’s right. Some pinheads on the left coast want the words “natural family, marriage and family values” declared hate speech.

Or, consider Remove the Cross, March on the Dildo-Waving Hookers by Glib Fortuna:

According to Gene Nichol, president of William and Mary, leaving the cross on display in Wren Chapel where it had been for decades is “… contrary to the best values of the college.”

So what are the “best values” of the college? Career male prostitutes and 200-lb. strippers in thong and pasties naturally! The glorious cultural revolution marches on.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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