Phi Beta Cons

Critics of MSU Radicalism at UC Irvine Respond

Bruce Blumberg, a professor who oversees “Student Experience” at the University of California-Irvine, remonstrated (in a posted e-mail) to a recent Pajamas Media article by Reut Cohen and Jonathon Movroydis. The two reaffirm that UCI administrators have caved to the campus’s extremist Muslim Student Union, whose members are terrorism-friendly and America/Israel-averse.
Cohen responds to Blumberg, citing, among other tesitmony, a student who recalls an argument with an Iranian student who said “f- Israel” and pulled down his trousers to show his swastika tattoo.
An august display of discourse at UCI, to be sure.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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