Phi Beta Cons

Counter-culture Fights Back Against Sexual Campus Debauchery

It can get discouraging when one considers the sexual depravity on campuses: a mix of random, meaningless hookups fueled by drunkenness and fanned by animalist instincts; Sex Week observances that tout porn stars, fetishes, and anything-goes intercourse; and feminist professors who champion sexual liberation and the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good.

And yet—within all that—there are students fighting the good fight, saying no to the immoral sexual culture that confronts them daily on campus. They not only strive to maintain their conservative mores, but encourage their peers to try them on as well.

Consider this past Valentine’s Day. Many students took the second week in February to host annual “Sex Week” observances, but amidst condom games and Sexploration workshops, a group of brave students took a stand against meaningless hookups, launching a nationwide #BringDatingBack campaign.

The campaign, sponsored by the Love & Fidelity Network, consisted of a series of pro-dating posters hung at 30 campuses across the nation that encouraged students to give old-fashioned romance a go.

“I think kids know that there is something better and more fruitful out there,” University of Pittsburgh student Reed Frey told The College Fix. “Students allow themselves to feel trapped into this [hookup] culture. If there’s someone who is bold enough to be an alternative voice, people appreciate that. There’s a duty for people who know what’s true, not to sit by silently.”

There are similar efforts out there as well.

This month, the Network of enlightened Women – a nationwide group of conservative college gals – is hosting a contest to identify and celebrate men who treat women like ladies through its “Gentlemen Showcase.”

“We hear so much about the negative behavior on campus by young men, but there really are a lot of good gentlemen out there,” Karin Agness, founder and president of NeW, explained.

What’s more, currently a College Fix student reporter is working on a story about a new Anscombe Society chapter forming at UC Santa Barbara, one of the most liberal campuses in America.

The Anscombe Society, represented at many Ivy League schools, strives to offer an alternative voice to the noise, and they do a good job of it. Anscombe Society members play a strong role in defending traditional marriages on campuses, for example.

When Harvard hosted its annual Sex Week in 2013, the university’s Anscombe chapter offered an alternative observance with workshops such as “The Homewrecker: Pornography, Relationships, and the Family; Hookup Culture: Slavery or Freedom?; Collateral Damage: How Pornography Affects Women; and True Manhood In An Age of Empty Indulgence.”

Ultimately, there are students who reject the meaningless sexual hookup cultural liberals try to shove down their throats, and it seems in recent years these conservative counter-culture students are becoming more vocal. It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate their good work and encourage them to keep at it.

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