Phi Beta Cons

Christians vs. Dogmatists

Inside Higher Ed has published an intriguing essay by Timothy Larsen, a professor at Wheaton College. He discusses the experience of a Christian student at a public university who encountered hostility (and poor grades) when he wrote about his faith. Larsen also shares his own experience with prejudice when he submitted a book manuscript to the Yale University Press. He quotes from the anonymous peer “reviews.” For example, a reviewer who agreed to accept the manuscript (based on T. S. Eliot’s The Idea of a Christian Society) explained his decision thus: “It is worth considering why ideas we find not just impossible to believe but even impossible to believe that others believe — such as the ideology of the Taliban or Saudis — have such appeal.”

Jane S. ShawJane S. Shaw retired as president of the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy in 2015. Before joining the Pope Center in 2006, Shaw spent 22 years in ...
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