Phi Beta Cons

Academic Blank Slate Theories Dying?

Here from Gene Expression is a positively fascinating must-read:

… we’ve broken the stranglehold that a variety of silly Blank Slate theories have held on the arts, humanities, and social sciences. To some, this may sound strange, but things have decisively changed within the past 10 years, and these so-called theories are now moribund. To let those out-of-the-loop in on the news, and to quantify what insiders have already suspected, I’ve drawn graphs of the rise and fall of these fashions.

Bye, bye, social construction? Psychoanalysis? Postmodernism? Postcolonialism? Marxism? Feminism? Deconstruction? These graphs suggest so.
(tip: Prof. Barry Smith) 

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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