

Trump Narrowly Leads Biden in Key State of Pennsylvania: Poll

Left: Former president Donald Trump at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 2023 “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, D.C., June 24, 2023. Right: President Joe Biden addresses the nation on averting default and the bipartisan budget agreement in the Oval Office of the White House, June 2, 2023. (Tasos Katopodis/Reuters; Jim Watson/Pool/Reuters)

Former president Donald Trump is narrowly leading Joe Biden in the crucial state of Pennsylvania, with 47 percent of voters supporting the former and 46 the latter.

The most recent Quinnipiac survey revealed that Biden’s job approval ratings in the state are underwater by nearly 20 points. Only 39 percent of Pennsylvania voters approve of the president’s job compared to 57 percent of voters who disapprove. Voters also hold a negative view of the former president, who has a favorability of 41 percent.

According to the Quinnipiac poll, Trump maintains a sizable lead against his challengers for the Republican presidential nomination. Florida governor Ron DeSantis is 24 points behind.

The former president has captured the endorsements of more than half of the Republicans in Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, suggesting his ground game in the state will be strong. Representatives Dan Meuser, Scott Perry, John Joyce, and Mike Kelly all announced for the former president last week, joining Guy Reschenthaler, who announced for Trump earlier in the month.

Post-indictment polls have seen the former president maintain and even increase his support nationally. The most recent Fox News poll has the former president at 56 points, his best result in the Fox News survey this year.

The former president has also been able to raise funds off of his legal troubles. The New York Times recently reported that the former president is diverting a greater portion of the money he has raised in his presidential campaign into a political action committee that he has used to pay his personal legal fees.

Some of Trump’s opponents have slammed the former president for his financial maneuvering.

“[Trump is] the cheapest S.O.B. I’ve ever met in my life,” former New Jersey governor Chris Christie told Politico on Tuesday. “What Donald Trump is good at is spending other people’s money.”

One bright spot for DeSantis is Wisconsin. According to a recent Marquette Law School poll, Trump is only leading the Florida governor by one point in the Badger state, 31 points to DeSantis’s 30.

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