
Politics & Policy

September 18 Rally Will Prohibit Pro-Trump Clothing

Police clear the U.S. Capitol building with tear gas as protesters gather outside in Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021. (Stephanie Keith/Reuters)

The former Trump campaign staffer who is organizing Saturday’s “Justice for J6” rally in support of people who were charged with crimes related to the Capitol riot has asked attendees not to wear any clothing in support of former President Trump or President Biden. 

Matt Braynard, the event organizer, wrote in a tweet on Tuesday that attendees should not display any symbols that are supportive of Trump or Biden as the rally is “100% about #JusticeforJ6 and not the election or any candidate.” 

“Anyone not honoring this request will be assumed to be an infiltrator and we will take your picture, find out who you are, and make you famous,” he added.

Roughly 700 people are expected to attend the rally, according to a prediction by an official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Officials are preparing for the rally by taking additional security measures around the Capitol. The U.S. Capitol Police board has approved the department’s request to reinstall temporary fencing around the Capitol a day or two before the event.

If “everything goes well” it will come down “very soon after,” Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger told reporters on Monday. The department has also issued an emergency declaration to allow the force to deputize outside law enforcement as “special” Capitol Police officers during the rally.

Law enforcement officials are reportedly preparing for potential unrest at the demonstration as violent rhetoric surrounding the rally has festered online, according to an internal Capitol Police memo obtained by CNN. Capitol Police and law enforcement are preparing for some of the demonstrators to be armed, a source reportedly told the Associated Press.

The Metropolitan Police Department is monitoring and assessing event planning and will increase its presence around Washington, D.C., The Hill reported.

Meanwhile, the deputy undersecretary for intelligence enterprise readiness at DHS, Melissa Smislova, told NBC News that the department has been monitoring publicly available information on protesters, permit applications for large gatherings and hotel reservations to estimate how many protesters will attend the event.

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