

Pro-Abortion Terrorists Firebomb Oregon Pregnancy Center

A fire-bombed pregnancy center in Gresham, Ore. June 13, 2022. (@LilaGraceRose/Image via Twitter)

Over the weekend, pro-abortion terrorists fire-bombed a pregnancy center in Gresham, Ore., that offers maternal care and information to expecting mothers.

Authorities believe that an incendiary device was hurled through the window, lighting a fire that wrecked only one room in the facility because the the alarm system promptly alerted fire personnel and police, Pregnancy Resource Center CEO Luke Cirillo told non-profit Live Action.

“There was extensive damage and additional water and smoke damage in other parts of the building. Nobody was hurt,” Cirillo said in a press release.

Photos posted to social media show the vandals left a decimated office covered in soot.

The attack was the fourth known incident of arson at a pro-life organization’s headquarters since the surprise leak of a draft Supreme Court majority opinion that projected the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

The perpetrators have not yet been identified. “There were no messages left behind, and at this point, we do not know who committed this crime,” Cirillo said.

Unlike some of the other three firebombing incidents, in which threatening language such as “If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you” was graffitied on the walls of the buildings that were attacked, these terrorists left no messages or marking insignia.

Cirillo praised his staff’s resilience in the press release and said he and his coworkers would pray “for the hearts of the people perpetrating these crimes.”

“Arson is particularly violent and destructive, and it compromises a sense of safety for our team and for the people we serve. On top of that, this will require temporary closure of our center until we can make repairs,” he added.

Last week, pro-abortion arsonists firebombed a pro-life Christian pregnancy center in Buffalo, N.Y., inflicting significant damage on the building and vandalizing the remains with the message “Jane Was Here,” referencing the organization Jane’s Revenge which ultimately claimed responsibility for the attack.

Also in early June, an Asheville, N.C. business that provides counseling for pregnant women had its windows broken and walls spray-painted with the phrase, “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!,” as well as an anarchist symbol.

Jane’s Revenge is believed to be responsible for a similar incident in May, in which the headquarters of Wisconsin Family Action (WFA), a pro-life group in Madison, Wis., was firebombed again violated with a similar take on the familiar slogan, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”

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