
White House

Newly Promoted White House Communications Staffer Disavows Radical Anti-Cop, Anti-Israel Tweets

Tyler Cherry attends a pride celebration in Washington, D.C., June 28, 2023. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images for GLAAD)

A new Biden administration communications staffer is apologizing for old, incendiary social-media posts comparing police officers to slave patrols and supporting anti-Israel activism.

White House associate communications director Tyler Cherry, a staffer newly promoted from the Department of the Interior, disavowed his resurfaced posts on Sunday after they gained fresh scrutiny because of his new role.

“Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period. I support this Administration’s agenda – and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies,” Cherry said, while deleting all of his past posts. Cherry spent more than three years at the Department of the Interior, going from press secretary to director of communications.

Before he deleted the old posts, users captured screenshots of them, and filled his X replies with the images, until he restricted who could reply.

In January 2015, Cherry tweeted that “police = slave patrols,” and a few months later he said it was “time to recall that the modern day policing system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs.”

Cherry accused his entire family of being racist in a 2014 Thanksgiving post, and recalled in 2015 his argument with his uncle about police brutality. He frequently complained about events having too many white people and suggested Iowa should not be the first presidential primary state because of its white population.

Many of his old posts appear to have taken place when he was a college student at UCLA and a researcher for the left-wing group Media Matters. Earlier in his career, Cherry worked in communications for the Arizona Democratic party during the 2020 presidential election cycle and spent nearly three years at Democratic lobbying form SKDK, according to his LinkedIn.

Cherry criticized Israel many times, writing in 2014, “Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine – no shame and f— your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine,” according to Fox News. He once posted in support of anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour, a lead organizer of the women’s march protests against the Trump administration.

In 2018, Cherry called for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a common left-wing slogan during the Trump administration. Republicans were a frequent target of his, for supposedly relying on “white grievance politics” and being “complicit” in the discredited Russiagate scandal.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates previously told Fox News he was “very proud to have Tyler on the team.”

Cherry did not elaborate on how specifically his views changed.

James Lynch is a news writer for National Review. He previously was a reporter for the Daily Caller. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a New York City native.
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