

Hawley Says Facebook’s Zuckerberg Admitted Bias in Censoring Pro-Life Content

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing regarding the company’s use and protection of user data on Capitol Hill, April 11, 2018. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Senator Josh Hawley said Thursday that Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg told him during a meeting that there “clearly was bias” in the social media company’s decision to censor the content of a national pro-life group.

Zuckerberg admitted there ‘clearly was bias’ in the @LiveAction @LilaGraceRose censorship. Said bias is ‘an issue we’ve struggled with for a long time,'” Hawley wrote in a tweet.

Live Action’s president Lila Rose responded to the news, demanding a public apology as well as several other steps to remedy the situation.

“If Facebook wants to make this right, they need to publicly apologize for this wrongdoing,” Rose said in a statement. “Facebook also needs to remove the inaccurate Fact Check, resend a notification to our followers who were notified by Facebook fact checkers that our posts were ‘false,’ and fix their process so it never happens again to us or anyone else.

Live Action claims Facebook’s fact-checking mechanism labeled as “false” and “inaccurate” the group’s claim that “abortion is never medically necessary,” using only two pro-abortion doctors to refute the statement.

Hawley, Senator Ted Cruz, and several other senators sent a letter to Facebook earlier this month chastising the mammoth social media company for bias and demanding that the restrictions against Live Action and Lila Rose’s pages be lifted.

Live Action also sent cease and-desist letters to YouTube and Pinterest over similar issues of bias requesting the platforms address the allegations or contact its lawyers by August 30.

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