
White House

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Trump’s Impeachment on the Senate Floor

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, Mass.) at the 2019 National Action Network National Convention in New York, April 5, 2019. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) called for President Trump’s impeachment in remarks on the Senate floor on Tuesday.

“We took an oath not to try to protect Donald Trump, we took an oath to protect and serve the constitution of the United States of America, and the way we do that is we begin impeachment proceedings now against this president,” Warren said.

Though Warren and a number of other Democrats vying for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination have called for impeachment during campaign rallies and other public appearances, her remarks represent the first such call made on the Senate floor.

Reiterating an argument she’s made from the stump, Warren said that the information outlined in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report pertaining to Trump’s efforts to interfere in his investigation is sufficient to begin impeachment proceedings.

“The information that has been given to us in the Mueller report clearly constitutes adequate information to begin an impeachment proceeding in the House of Representatives,” Warren said. “No matter how many times Mitch McConnell or the rest of the Republicans want to wish that away, it’s there in black and white in the report.”

Warren’s remarks came hours after Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell urged Democrats to accept Mueller’s finding that no one in the Trump campaign or administration colluded with Russia and allow a return to the normal legislative process.

“Given the Left’s total fixation on delegitimizing the president Americans chose and shooting any messenger who tells them inconvenient truths, I’m afraid the Russians hardly need to lift a finger,” McConnell said on Tuesday morning on the Senate floor. “Well madame president, the last stage of grief is acceptance. For the country’s sake, I hope my Democratic friends can get there sometime soon.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has maintained that impeachment would be too politically divisive and has argued that Americans should be given the chance to determine Trump’s fate in 2020. But a growing cohort within her caucus has argued that Trump’s efforts to manipulate public officials into publicly exonerating him, his ordering then-White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller, and his directing his son to mislead the public about the infamous June 2016 meeting between top campaign officials and a Kremlin-connected lawyer, constitute high crimes and misdemeanors that should result in impeachment.

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