

Schumer Tells Americans ‘Trump Has Quit on You’ in DNC Convention Speech

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks by video feed during the 2020 Democratic National Convention, August 18, 2020. (2020 Democratic National Convention/Pool via Reuters)

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said during his speech to the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night that President Trump has “quit” on the American people.

“Donald Trump has divided our country, diminished our greatness, and demeaned everything that this statue represents,” the New York Democrat said from Brooklyn with the Statue of Liberty visible behind him.

“America, Donald Trump has quit on you,” Schumer said. “We need a president with dignity, integrity, and the experience to lead us out of this crisis, a man with a steady hand and a big heart who will never, ever quit on America.”

Schumer also said Trump “hid in a bunker as Americans were tear-gassed and beaten,” referring to protesters in Lafayette Park near the White House who were forcibly dispersed by law enforcement. The president was briefly taken to the White House bunker as the protests were underway.

His comments echo those of Senator Bernie Sanders, who said during his Monday address at the convention that “authoritarianism has taken root” under President Trump, citing the deployment of federal officers against “peaceful protesters” as evidence of the Trump administration’s alleged overreach.

Democrats including Schumer and Michelle Obama also emphasized a remark Trump made during a recent interview with “Axios on HBO” in which he said, “It is what it is,” when discussing the U.S. death toll of the coronavirus.

“They are dying, that’s true. And it is what it is,” Trump said during the interview, which aired earlier this month. “But that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing everything we can. It’s under control, as much as you can control it.”

“Presidents should never say ‘it is what it is,'” Schumer said.

The Democratic convention is being held virtually due to coronavirus concerns.

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