

Powder Delivered to CNN Was Inoperative

NYPD personnel outside the Time Warner Center in Manhattan after a suspicious package was found inside CNN headquarters, October 24, 2018. (Kevin Coombs/Reuters)

Correction 10/26/2018, 3:02 p.m.: A previous version of this article and headline stated that the explosive device delivered to CNN was “harmless.” While the bomb delivered to CNN did not have a trigger mechanism, it was loaded with so-called “energetic material” capable of exploding if exposed to friction or heat, FBI Director Christopher Wray explained during a Friday afternoon press conference.

The pipe bomb and white powder that forced an evacuation at CNN headquarters in New York City Wednesday morning were inoperative, a law enforcement source told the Associated Press.

The purported explosive device was similar in construction to those sent Wednesday to former President Barack Obama, former attorney general Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D., Fla.), and Representative Maxine Waters of California. A package containing white powder was delivered later in the day.

The NYPD said the explosive devices were live during a Wednesday afternoon press conference but subsequent reporting suggests they were not functional.

All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,” NBC News reported late Wednesday.

The most recent wave of potential bombings came two days after billionaire liberal activist George Soros received an explosive device in the mail, which police later detonated. The package left in CNN’s mailroom was addressed to former CIA director John Brennan, who frequently appears on the network.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo said during a Wednesday press conference that his office received an explosive device but the NYPD later revealed the package in question actually contained a letter and a flash drive.

President Trump called the spate of attacks “despicable” in a Wednesday statement.

“In these times we have to unify,” he said. “We have to come together and send one very clear, strong unmistakeable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America.”

“As we speak, the packages are being inspected by top explosive experts and a major federal investigation is now underway,” he added.

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