
Law & the Courts

Charges Filed in Mysterious Brooklyn Tunnel Case

Police officers respond to the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., January 9, 2024. (Lokman Vural Elibol/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Nine people were arrested and charged after police discovered tunnels beneath a Brooklyn synagogue, and an additional three court summons have been issued.  

On Monday, the New York Police Department responded to 911 calls about a “disorderly group” outside the Chabad Lubavitch global headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York. Upon arrival, police were told that a group of individuals illegally entered 770 Eastern Parkway by damaging a wall, according to an NYPD statement provided to National Review. 

Viral videos show chaotic physical encounters between some Hasidic Jews and police as the officers evacuated the synagogue to seal underground tunnels with cement. Local news outlets reported the existence of the tunnels in late 2023 after a homeowner complained about hearing suspicious noises

“Some time ago, a group of extremist students, broke through a few walls in adjacent properties to the synagogue at 784-788 Eastern Parkway, to provide them unauthorized access,” Rabbi Motti Seligson, a spokesperson for the the Chabad-Lubavitcher movement, said in a statement. “Earlier today, a cement truck was brought in to repair those walls. Those efforts were disrupted by the extremists who broke through the wall to the synagogue, vandalizing the sanctuary, in an effort to preserve their unauthorized access.”

Noam Daham, 20, David Hayon, 22, and Henachem Mulakando, 19, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief and reckless endangerment, according to the NYPD. Menachem Klieman, 19, Menachem Koopshik, 21, and Levi Ytzhak Lahav, 20, were arrested and charged with attempted criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment. 

Shmuel Malka, 19, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, and obstructing governmental administration. Dov Bear Shenhav, 20, and Blumenfeld Yerachmiel, 20, were arrested and charged with attempted hate crime/criminal mischief and attempted reckless endangerment.

In addition, the NYPD said that three court summons for disorderly conduct were granted. The NYPD said that no injuries were reported as a result of the confrontation. 

The NYPD did not address whether there is an ongoing investigation into the tunnels.

Abigail Anthony is the current Collegiate Network Fellow. She graduated from Princeton University in 2023 and is a Barry Scholar studying Linguistics at Oxford University.
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