
Politics & Policy

Threatening Flyers Fail to Derail Ben Shapiro Campus Event

Ben Shapiro at Politicon 2016 (Gage Skidmore)

Flyers with a threatening message that were distributed around the campus of George Washington University failed to discourage a conservative youth organization from hosting speaker Ben Shapiro on Thursday.

On the morning of the event, students spotted flyers around GW’s campus with a red “X” through a photo of Shapiro. The posters warned the university branch of the Young America’s Foundation, which hosted the lecture, to “get security.”

“Sadly, yet unsurprisingly, liberal authorities at GW dismissed the threat and refused to investigate,” YAF said in a press release. But the event went on as planned, and drew a standing-room-only crowd, according to the group.

Nice try, leftists—Ben is still coming to campus,” GW’s YAF chapter wrote on  Twitter.

“We need to be bold when we have speakers and events on campus,” said George Washington University YAF co-president Aimee Triana. “I’ve been told by some of my peers that I’m the first conservative they’ve ever met.”

On Friday, Shapiro hosted his podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show, live from the March for Life, an annual event where thousands of pro-life marchers walk down Constitution Avenue and stop in front of the Supreme Court to protest legal abortion.

“Every human being has value, and if you believe that, you can’t be pro-choice, you must be pro-life,” Shapiro told a crowd at the rally before the March started. “Life matters more than any other issue.”

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