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Who Is Reading CBS News’s Website?

National Review Online is sometimes criticized for not having a reader comments section. I’m of two minds about those kinds of open forums, but here’s some evidence against them. republished NRO’s editorial against a federal bailout of California and other spendthrift states. You can read the original here. Here are the first several comments from the readers’ section. I didn’t pick and choose — I just took the first comments from the top of the list. Tell me how much this adds to the sum of human understanding:

“Having wasted their substance with riotous spending, the prodigal governors have come not to their senses but to Washington. But let’s spare that fatted calf. “

Yes, we can only feed the golden calf so beloved by the Neofascists of the RepugOriface, the Wall Streeters!
The rest of you peasants go suck!
Whom do you think this country exists for, anyway? Lowlife losers like yourself?
You exist ONLY to serve the Moneyed Class.
The Class whose Mouthpiece is the NastyRepugOriface.

NastyRepugOriface? What the heck does that even mean? (Incidentally, this is pretty much what half of the email we get reads like. Apparently there are some sensitive souls who are bothered by crazy email.) Next:

Send The Governors Packing and Congress. No one knows haw to not spend money. The one thing all of theses people forget is, it is no there money. Then again, maybe that is wat the wast so much, it is easy to wast someone elses money.The only people that ate looking for a hand out, are those that don”t want to loss “There Money” Bill France asking for the big 3 becase he does not want NASCAR to go under. B.S. he does not want to loss his money. The CEO”s saying they will work for a dollar a year. So would you are IO if we had stolen millions in the past years. GM had the WORLD by the tail, in 57 they sold over 50% of the cars in the U.S. and in 50 years they are not worth red cent. It is “NOT” managements fault, and it is not the UAW. It is BOTH. Greed has killed them both. It is time for them to shut up, stop tying to take the tax payer for a ride and “CLOSE DOWN” The U.S. does not need the Big 3 like some people would want you to belive. Sooner then latter they are going to shut down. The tax payer is going to loss. Thans to Congress, Bush, and Obama, yes Obama.

All of you Obama lovers, I don”t need to hear your B.S. about he is not doing anything, Like H___L, he is behind the door running his big mouth, and he has said nore then once, he is for the Auto bailout. Anyone under 50 will see the U.S. automaker shut down.

No idea what this guy is talking about. Not sure he has any idea, either. More:

“Who was behind the wheel, governor?”
That is an easy one, the party represented by the NRO, i.e., the GOP.
“The Editors Of National Review Online” demonstrate a group sociopathy by refusing to recognize the humanistic aspects of the federal government assisting the states in providing for all of it’’s citizens, not just it’’s richest.
Populations migrate, as millions did when Detroit, for example, died in the early 70s. The influx of “economic refugees” to the recipient states changes conditions, alters budgets, increases expenditures, necessitates changes in the tax policies and otherwise forces states to take steps to manage the new population, usually of the recently unemployed, whose need for support services is logical.
By not considering the human need, and only considering the inconvenience to the moneyed class, the NRO editors display a mindset that is obsolete, unpatriotic, inhumane, and basically fascist.
Good thing people like these editors are almost extinct, but it will be a better thing when they are totally so.

Yes, we’re aware that the governor of California is a Republican. That’s the point, genius. More:

However, the irresponsible federal government should be responsible for ALL their illegal actions. Including the failed invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Giving huge sums of money to corporate criminals and war profiteers. Time to seize the assets of the Republican elite and give it to the needy.

Of course, it’s all about Iraq. Don’t worry, the asset seizure is on the way. Check back in mid-April.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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