Media Blog

We’re Already Bailing Out Detroit

Chrysler, GM, Ford and Harley Davidson are already getting government help for their commercial paper needs:

Company: Chrysler LLC

Participation: Chrysler Financial was approved to participate in the

commercial paper program

Notes: n/a
Company: Ford Motor Co. (F)

Participation: Ford Motor Credit tapped $4 billion in trades in asset-

backed commercial paper through Oct. 31, Chief Executive Alan Mulally said

in a conference call.

Notes: n/a

Company: GMAC Financial Services

Participation: Accessed $5 billion over two weeks to Nov. 5

Notes: GMAC is part-owned by General Motors Corp. (GM) and Cerberus Capital

Management LP.
Company: Harley-Davidson Inc. (HOG)

Participation: Financial services unit accessed the facility Oct. 27,

didn’t provide details on amount used

Notes: The company said traditional commercial paper sources remain

available to the financing unit. “It’s an additional source of

diversification,” a spokesman said in a phone interview. The company

expects to continue using the facility.

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