Media Blog

S. E. Cupp vs. Keith Olbermann

In case you missed it, Keith Olbermann tweeted the other day, after watching conservative S. E. Cupp talk about abortion and Planned Parenthood, “On so many levels she’s a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.”

Sure does sound like Olbermann meant that Cupp should’ve been aborted, but after sending the tweet, Olbermann defended himself by saying he didn’t mean abortion, just that Cupp’s parents should have gone to PP for birth control.

Either way, a classless statement.

Cupp’s mother responded with this letter to Olbermann:

An Open Letter to Keith Olbermann,

In response to your comment on Twitter that S.E.Cupp is “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does,“ and that ”her parents would have helped the earth had they consulted PP for birth control”:

As S.E. Cupp’s mother, I have to ask: Have you no shame? No depth to which you will not stoop to insult an adversary?

My daughter was raised to express her opinion respectfully. I am sure you were as well. What happened?

You should know that her father and I are endlessly proud of the young woman she has become.


Patricia Cupp

And here’s the gang from Red Eye’s take . . . good stuff:

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