Media Blog

Republicans Call for Leak Probe

Drudge is reporting that the Republican Congressional leadership is launching a probe into who leaked classified information on CIA terrorist jails to the Washington Post. Yikes.
This is what Joe Wilson and the Democrats and all the major newspaper editorial boards that called for an investigation into the leak of Valerie Plame’s identity have wrought — a crackdown on classified information leaked to the press, akin to a de facto Official Secrets Act.
So let’s review what liberal journalists who are cheering on Patrick Fitzgerald have accomplished for journalism: Several reporters were compelled to reveal their anonymous sources. One was thrown in jail. The New York Times has suffered a blow to its credibility from which it will take years to recover. And now, if Drudge’s reporting is right, the Washington Post is under investigation for publishing a story about the CIA that, while heavily dependent on anonymous sources and classified information, was not in that regard extraordinary for stories of its kind. Well done, liberal journos. Pat on the back.

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